• 写真midjourney咒语分享64


    写真 08-14

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:On a pure light gray background, real person Xiao Zhan, a mainland Chinese actor and singer, poses in a handsome posture【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-13 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-13 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-13

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:Cat wearing a hat stands beneath an orange banner, in the style of luminous 3d objects, sculptural landscapes, delicate compositions, flowing fabrics, colorful compositions, elegant compositions【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-13 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-13 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    国风 08-13

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:天门山高耸入云,楚江蜿蜒如绿带,中国山水画风格,细节丰富,千里画卷,绿色和金色色调,古老艺术风格,宁静永恒,传统艺术,丰富细节,水墨效果,柔和灯光,平静祥和,动画艺术风格,The Tianmen Mountain soars into the clouds, the Chu River meanders like a green belt, in the style of Ch...

  • 写真midjourney咒语分享63


    写真 08-13

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:Chinese cute girl, university campus, warm, romantic, youthful, sunny, campus romance, blossoming maiden, bright smile, oriental features【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-12 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-12 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-12

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:a poster with images of city buildings on a city block,abstract memphis,Minimalism【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-12 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-12 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    国风 08-12

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:天门山高耸入云,楚江蜿蜒如绿带,中国山水画风格,细节丰富,千里画卷,绿色和金色色调,古老艺术风格,宁静永恒,传统艺术,丰富细节,水墨效果,柔和灯光,平静祥和,动画艺术风格,The Tianmen Mountain soars into the clouds, the Chu River meanders like a green belt, in the style of Ch...

  • 写真midjourney咒语分享62


    写真 08-12

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:anime girl wallpaper 3d, in the style of stylized portraiture, simple and elegant style, free brushwork, barbizon school, innocent, cartoonish caricatures, realistic lifelike figures【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-11 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-11 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-11

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:Very cute Guavapunk anime girl with pink hair and green eyes, standing in a busy marketplace, by Kiyohiko Azuma, anime screenshot【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-11 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-11 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    国风 08-11

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:一幅壮丽的山水画,天门山雄伟耸立,楚江蜿蜒如绿带,中国山水画,细节丰富,绵延千里,绿金相间,古雅风格,宁静永恒,传统艺术,细节丰富,水墨效果,柔和灯光,平静祥和,动画艺术风格。A magnificent landscape painting, with the towering Tianmen Mountain and the winding Chu River like...

  • 写真midjourney咒语分享61


    写真 08-11

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:beautiful girl with wide eyes and white, in the style of atey ghailan, shilin huang, david nordahl, shiny/glossy, ricoh r1, realistic, detailed rendering, romantic use of light【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...