• 2024-08-10 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-10 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-10

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:an anime character with long hair and a sword, fantasy character design, character concept art, character design, character concept, character design for games, a fantasy world character concept art, character design, character concept, character design for games, person, cha...

  • 2024-08-10 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-10 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    国风 08-10

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:中式禅意电商场景,莲花装饰,白色的光影,纪实摄影,中心构图,最好的图像质量,质量很强,索尼相机拍摄,8k,Chinese Zen e-commerce scene, lotus decorations, white light and shadow, documentary photography, central composition, best image quality, strong quality, shot with Sony ca...

  • 写真midjourney咒语分享60


    写真 08-10

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:This a fashion painting with yellow color and green color, European and American, in the style of ZBrush, oriental, soft-focused realism, hyper-realistic details, cyan and azure, wrapped, charming characters .5【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-09 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-09 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-09

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:lady wearing colorful gown with light on them, in the style of hyper-realistic details, cute and dreamy, glowwave, princesscore, dynamic lighting, flamboyant, multidimensional shading --ar 71:128 --v 5.2【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-09 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-09 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    国风 08-09

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:关东建筑风格的村史馆,墙体门窗改造,增加关东文化符号,对称布局,暖色调,广角镜头,自然光,宁静氛围。 古代中式 全景A village history museum in the style of Kanto architecture, with wall and window transformations, adding Kanto cultural symbols, symmetrical layout, warm tones,...

  • 写真midjourney咒语分享59


    写真 08-09


  • 2024-08-08 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-08 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-08

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:an anime girl swinging a tennis racket, in the style of realistic depiction of light, charming illustrations, close-up intensity【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-08 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-08 midjourney国风咒语(指令)分享

    国风 08-08

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:Secret of love cover art by harry mannequin, classical Chinese beauty, in the style of contemporary chinese art, Fashion photography, flat illustration, minimalistic, baroque maritime, chromatic landscape, naive realism, pastoral scenes, hyper - detailed, detailed, dense comp...

  • 写真midjourney咒语分享58


    写真 08-08

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:A lovely girl in traditional Chinese dress with her boyfriend under the green plum tree.【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...

  • 2024-08-07 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    2024-08-07 midjourney二次元咒语(指令)分享

    二次元 08-07

    今日Midjourney咒语分享:有一个穿着蓝色连衣裙的女人,戴着一条项链,(la美丽的幻想皇后),灵感来自Sim Sa-jeong,Azure。细毛,冬公主,冰公主,丰满,古维兹风格的艺术品,8K)),奇幻美学!、古维兹、冰雪皇后,8K高品质/细节艺术,甜美笑容,全身镜头,雪景,动作镜头【点击这里立即体验AI绘画】在线AI绘画工具...